
BBC Horizon - The Secret You

1030- 自我意識的代價之一,就是意識到自我死亡的必然性。 

4100- 神經元的互相溝通才形成自我意識。

5000- "I" is just the threshold, the final stage of a whole complex of brain activity.

另外,想起Zizek的一段話,from Conversations with Zizek (by Glyn Daly, p.52):
Often, other disciplines take over (at least part of) the 'normal' role of philosophy: in some of the nineteenth­ century nations like Hungary or Poland, it was literature which played the role of philosophy (that of articulating the ultimate horizon of meaning of the nation in the process of its full constitution); in the USA today, i.e. in the conditions of the predominance of cognitivism and brain studies in philosophy departments, most of 'Continental philosophy' takes place in departments of comparative literature, cultural studies, English, French and German (as they say: if you analyse a rat's vertebra, you are doing philosophy; if you analyse Hegel, you belong to CompLit!) 

 #中譯版 video。

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